EuroLeague Career Leaders and Records for Field Goal Pct

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EuroLeague Leaders and Records for Field Goal Pct: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 19, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player FG%
1. Gustavo Ayon .6444
2. Jan Vesely .5987
3. Nikola Pekovic .5931
4. Ante Tomic .5926
5. Luis Scola .5768
6. Mike Batiste .5637
7. Nenad Krstic .5617
8. Dejan Bodiroga .5455
9. Tanoka Beard .5358
10. Nikola Vujcic .5318
11. Anthony Parker .5280
12. Bo McCalebb .5212
13. Gregor Fucka .5099
14. Cory Higgins .5058
15. Alphonso Ford .5040
16. Nando De Colo .4997
17. Derrick Brown .4879
18. Tyus Edney .4865
  Giorgos Printezis .4865
20. Trajan Langdon .4864
21. Mirsad Turkcan .4743
22. Andrew Goudelock .4735
23. Anthony Randolph .4709
24. Antonio Granger .4684
25. Rimantas Kaukenas .4681
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