EuroLeague Career Leaders and Records for Minutes Per Game

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EuroLeague Leaders and Records for Minutes Per Game: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 19, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player MPG
1. Anthony Parker 35.02
2. Alphonso Ford 33.81
3. Joseph Blair 33.80
4. Melvin Booker 32.58
5. JR Holden 31.36
6. Will Solomon 31.21
7. Dejan Bodiroga 31.18
8. Kenny Gregory 31.09
9. Malcolm Delaney 31.09
10. Marcus Brown 30.99
11. Scoonie Penn 30.61
12. Ed Cota 30.48
13. Kaspars Kambala 30.36
14. Trajan Langdon 30.25
15. Quadre Michael Lollis 30.08
16. Ekpe Udoh 30.05
17. Demond Mallet 30.03
18. Tyus Edney 30.02
19. Brad Wanamaker 29.47
20. Marcus Goree 29.43
21. Tanoka Beard 29.07
22. Vrbica Stefanov 29.07
23. Daniel Ewing 28.80
24. Antonio Granger 28.66
25. Dimitris Diamantidis 28.65
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