LNB Pro A Career Leaders and Records for Defensive Rebounds

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LNB Pro A Leaders and Records for Defensive Rebounds: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player DRB
1. Alain Koffi 1430
2. Ricardo Greer 1402
3. JK Edwards 1280
4. Amara Sy 1231
5. Victor Samnick 1167
6. Cyril Akpomedah 1102
7. Uche Nsonwu Amadi 1101
8. Dounia Issa 1065
9. Vincent Masingue 1024
10. Pape Badiane 997
11. Maxime Zianveni 951
12. Randal Falker 938
13. Anthony Dobbins 937
14. Claude Marquis 912
15. Marcellus Sommerville 903
16. Stephen Brun 882
17. Charles Kahudi 872
18. Rudy Jomby 866
19. Ali Traore 853
20. Ousmane Camara 852
21. Yannick Bokolo 835
22. Mykal Riley 807
23. Jeff Greer 805
24. Adrien Moerman 804
  Kyle Milling 804
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