LNB Pro A Career Leaders and Records for 3-Pt Field Goal Pct

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LNB Pro A Leaders and Records for 3-Pt Field Goal Pct: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player 3P%
1. Kyle McAlarney .4520
2. John Roberson .4337
3. A.J. Slaughter .4224
4. Ilian Evtimov .4095
5. Rowan Barrett .4062
6. Eric Chatfield .4029
7. Heiko Schaffartzik .3983
8. Steven Gray .3963
9. Benjamin Dewar .3955
10. CC Harrison .3953
11. David Holston .3889
12. Eric Micoud .3886
13. Danny Strong .3767
14. Dewarick Spencer .3700
15. Lance Harris .3690
16. Lamayn Wilson .3688
17. Mike Smith .3627
18. Cedrick Banks .3579
19. Jason Rowe .3569
20. Ron Lewis .3553
21. Brion Rush .3413
22. Tony Stanley .3385
23. Pat Durham .3283
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