LNB Pro A Career Leaders and Records for Turnover Pct

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LNB Pro A Leaders and Records for Turnover Pct: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player TOV%
1. Axel Bouteille 7.68
2. Cameron Clark 8.25
3. Antywane Robinson 8.60
4. Julius Johnson 8.71
5. Nicolas Lang 8.93
6. Hugo Invernizzi 8.94
7. Andre Harris 9.05
8. Jurica Ruzic 9.30
9. Isaiah Miles 9.48
10. Sylvain Maynier 9.71
11. Jawad Williams 9.85
12. Lamayn Wilson 9.92
13. Hrvoje Perincic 10.01
14. Gavin Ware 10.01
15. Lance Harris 10.08
16. Benoit Georget 10.30
17. Sherman Gay 10.33
18. Karim Souchu 10.40
19. Paul Harris 10.43
20. Danny Strong 10.64
21. Amine Noua 10.65
22. Travis Leslie 10.68
23. Tweety Carter 10.76
24. LaMonte Ulmer 10.79
25. Deron Hayes 10.81
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