Greek Basket League Career Leaders and Records for Minutes Per Game

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Greek Basket League Leaders and Records for Minutes Per Game: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 25, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player MPG
1. Jimmy Oliver 36.00
2. Kendrick Johnson 34.26
3. Alphonso Ford 33.49
4. Larry Stewart 33.01
5. James Forrest 32.92
6. Panagiotis Liadelis 32.46
7. Anthony Grundy 32.36
8. Toby Bailey 32.15
9. Andre Hutson 32.10
10. Doremus Bennerman 31.37
11. Donnie McGrath 31.23
12. Lance Harris 31.00
13. Toddrick Gotcher 30.94
14. Brent Scott 30.62
15. Byron Dinkins 30.58
16. Ernest Scott 30.43
17. Jeremiah Massey 30.33
18. William Avery 30.28
19. Mouhammad Faye 30.27
20. Steve Burtt 30.13
21. Roderick Blakney 29.40
22. Damir Mulaomerovic 29.37
23. Torin Francis 29.33
24. DJ Thompson 28.96
25. Keydren Clark 28.87
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