Lega Serie A Career Leaders and Records for Assist Pct

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Lega Serie A Leaders and Records for Assist Pct: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player AST%
1. Gianmarco Pozzecco 38.49
2. Eric Maynor 34.96
3. Ronald Moore 31.36
4. Travis Diener 30.78
5. Marques Green 30.65
6. Edgar Sosa 30.26
7. Terrell McIntyre 29.83
8. Mike Green 29.47
9. Chris Wright 29.13
10. Roko Ukic 27.45
11. Sani Becirovic 26.90
12. Bo McCalebb 26.85
13. Joe Ragland 26.55
14. Randolph Childress 25.47
15. Travis Best 25.16
16. Dee Brown 24.84
17. Tyus Edney 24.71
18. Darius Johnson-Odom 24.47
19. Jerome Dyson 23.78
20. Luca Vitali 23.62
21. Andrea Cinciarini 23.44
22. David Logan 23.28
23. Giuseppe Poeta 23.15
24. Nikolaos Zisis 23.09
25. Andre Collins 22.94
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