Lega Serie A Career Leaders and Records for Free Throw Attempts

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Lega Serie A Leaders and Records for Free Throw Attempts: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player FTA
1. Roberto Chiacig 1286
2. Andrea Michelori 1255
3. Giuseppe Poeta 1176
4. Carlton Myers 1167
5. Gianmarco Pozzecco 1145
6. Fabio Di Bella 1098
7. Rimantas Kaukenas 1046
8. Mario Boni 1032
9. Luca Vitali 1030
10. Alex Righetti 980
11. Jerome Allen 962
12. Boris Gorenc 957
13. Massimo Bulleri 939
14. Mason Rocca 921
15. Marko Milic 915
16. Diego Fajardo 913
17. Daniele Cavaliero 898
18. Pietro Aradori 890
19. Bootsy Thornton 854
20. Matteo Soragna 790
21. Daniele Cinciarini 768
22. Casey Shaw 762
23. Eric Williams 738
24. David Hawkins 732
25. Drake Diener 726
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