Lega Serie A Career Leaders and Records for Points Per Game

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Lega Serie A Leaders and Records for Points Per Game: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player PPG
1. Louis Bullock 23.78
2. Vincenzo Esposito 22.59
3. Mario Boni 19.46
4. Boris Gorenc 18.78
5. Michael Iuzzolino 18.75
6. Henry Williams 18.73
7. Charles Smith 18.51
8. Delonte Holland 18.51
9. Demarco Johnson 18.35
10. Manu Ginobili 18.04
11. Norman Nolan 17.85
12. Charlie Bell 17.27
13. James White 16.95
14. Nate Erdmann 16.76
15. Melvin Booker 16.54
16. Darius Johnson-Odom 16.53
17. Mike Penberthy 16.22
18. Samuel Hines 16.15
19. Adrian Banks 16.12
20. Jamel Thomas 15.99
21. Carlton Myers 15.98
22. Marlon Garnett 15.88
23. Joe Smith 15.53
24. Jason Rich 15.49
25. Damon Williams 15.46
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