Liga ACB Career Leaders and Records for Assists

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for Assists: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player AST
1. Pablo Laso 2460
2. Albert Oliver 1852
3. Javier Salgado 1643
4. Elmer Bennett 1552
5. Andre Turner 1551
6. Jose Luis Llorente 1524
7. Ignacio Rodriguez 1509
8. Marcelo Huertas 1507
9. Salva Diez 1501
10. Pablo Prigioni 1419
11. Javi Rodriguez 1343
12. Rafa Jofresa 1330
13. Joan Creus 1263
14. Carles Marco 1258
15. Juan Carlos Navarro 1251
16. Berni Rodriguez 1249
17. Ferran Lopez 1233
18. Omar Cook 1202
19. Jose Antunez 1198
  Ivan Corrales 1198
21. Alex Mumbru 1187
22. Sergio Llull 1178
23. Sergio Rodriguez 1176
24. Fede Ramiro 1171
25. Rodrigo San Miguel 1166
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