Liga ACB Single Season Leaders and Records for Field Goal Pct

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for Field Goal Pct: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player Year FG%
1. Kenny Miller 1998 .7232
2. Floyd Allen 1987 .7079
3. George Singleton 1985 .6910
4. Marcelous Starks 1984 .6897
5. Bill Collins 1985 .6796
6. Larry Micheaux 1987 .6781
7. Mike Phillips 1985 .6772
8. Abdul Jeelani 1986 .6751
9. Larry Micheaux 1988 .6749
10. Warren Kidd 1996 .6732
11. Mark Smith 1986 .6712
  Mike Phillips 1988 .6712
13. Fernando Martin 1986 .6684
14. Darryl Middleton 1999 .6667
15. Darryl Middleton 1998 .6657
16. Wayne Robinson 1985 .6608
  Audie Norris 1988 .6608
18. Mike Phillips 1986 .6605
19. Andres Jiminez 1988 .6588
20. Greg Stewart 1984 .6565
21. Fabricio Oberto 2005 .6541
22. Steve Trumbo 1985 .6519
23. Marc Gasol 2008 .6516
24. Tiago Splitter 2008 .6512
25. Warren Kidd 1995 .6495
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