Liga ACB Career Leaders and Records for Free Throw Attempts

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for Free Throw Attempts: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player FTA
1. Granger Hall 2656
2. Felipe Reyes 2643
3. Alberto Herreros 1882
4. Darryl Middleton 1774
5. Jordi Villacampa 1765
6. Velimir Perasovic 1733
7. Bernard Hopkins 1661
8. Carlos Jimenez 1655
9. Rafa Jofresa 1642
10. Anicet Lavodrama 1626
11. Richard Scott 1623
12. Alex Mumbru 1617
13. Joan Creus 1614
14. Carlos Montes 1592
15. Jose Antonio Paraiso 1563
16. Juan Carlos Navarro 1545
17. Albert Oliver 1508
18. Andy Panko 1491
19. Andre Turner 1468
20. Lou Roe 1466
21. Harper Williams 1456
22. Jose Antunez 1452
23. Xavi Fernandez 1440
24. Devin Davis 1353
25. Fernando San Emeterio 1329
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