Liga ACB Career Leaders and Records for Minutes Per Game

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for Minutes Per Game: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player MPG
1. Dan Caldwell 39.02
2. Jeff Lamp 38.81
3. Jim Wright 38.44
4. Joe Cooper 38.37
5. Essie Hollis 38.30
6. Clarence Kea 38.17
7. Dan Hartshorne 37.92
8. David Russell 37.50
9. Ken Johnson 37.49
10. Willie Jones 37.35
11. Duane Washington 37.26
12. Charles Alecksinas 37.25
13. Claude Riley 37.10
14. John Pinone 37.06
15. Aaron Swinson 37.00
16. Mike Schlegel 36.88
17. Tom Scheffler 36.82
18. Greg Stewart 36.78
19. George Singleton 36.77
20. Brian Jackson 36.62
21. Victor Anger 36.56
22. Abdul Jeelani 36.54
23. Mike Phillips 36.51
24. Art Housey 36.46
25. Nate Davis 36.31
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