Liga ACB Career Leaders and Records for Points Per 40 MP

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for Points Per 40 MP: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player PTS/40MP
1. Eddie Phillips 33.02
2. Nate Davis 32.20
3. Oscar Schmidt 32.16
4. David Russell 28.95
5. Charles Alecksinas 28.08
6. Ray Smith 27.71
7. Fernando Martin 26.61
8. Mark Davis 26.25
9. Dan Caldwell 26.03
10. Dan Hartshorne 25.92
11. Mike Phillips 25.50
12. Jeff Lamp 25.43
13. John Morton 25.17
14. Arvydas Sabonis 24.97
15. Stevan Jelovac 24.96
16. Willie Jones 24.96
17. Igor Rakocevic 24.72
18. Chicho Sibilio 24.49
19. Juan Antonio San Epifanio 24.39
20. Jaycee Carroll 24.27
21. Velimir Perasovic 24.16
22. Brian Jackson 24.08
23. Joe Arlauckas 24.05
24. Mike Schlegel 23.92
25. Ralph McPherson 23.86
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