Liga ACB Career Leaders and Records for Steals Per Game

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for Steals Per Game: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player SPG
1. Quim Costa 2.56
2. Michael Anderson 2.56
3. Luis Alvarez 2.50
4. Andre Turner 2.19
5. Anthony Bonner 2.17
6. Wayne Robinson 2.14
7. Nacho Suarez 2.05
8. Jose Luis Diaz 2.02
9. Ricky Rubio 1.99
10. Pablo Laso 1.98
11. Ricardo Aldrey 1.96
12. Jose Alvarez 1.93
13. Albert Burditt 1.91
14. Albert Illa 1.89
15. Salva Diez 1.89
16. Joan Creus 1.87
17. Mike Phillips 1.86
18. Daniel Bingenheimer 1.83
19. Juan Miguel Alonso 1.83
20. Ignacio Solozabal 1.79
21. Rickie Winslow 1.79
22. German Gonzalez 1.75
23. Jose Antonio Alonso 1.75
24. Javier Mendiburu 1.73
25. Chandler Thompson 1.71
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