Liga ACB Career Leaders and Records for Total Rebounds

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for Total Rebounds: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player TRB
1. Granger Hall 3823
2. Felipe Reyes 3805
3. Carlos Jimenez 2990
4. Bernard Hopkins 2641
5. Claude Riley 2508
6. Darryl Middleton 2405
7. Juan Orenga 2352
8. Larry Micheaux 2342
9. Arvydas Sabonis 2329
10. Harper Williams 2321
11. Fran Vazquez 2306
12. Alex Mumbru 2284
13. Joe Arlauckas 2216
14. Mike Smith 2147
  Anicet Lavodrama 2147
16. Devin Davis 2091
17. Axel Hervelle 2041
18. Richard Scott 2025
19. Ramon Rivas 1985
20. Jose Antonio Paraiso 1947
21. Lou Roe 1937
22. Ruben Garces 1916
23. Sitapha Savane 1903
24. Brad Branson 1893
25. Bobby Martin 1882
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