Liga ACB Career Leaders and Records for Rebounds Per Game

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for Rebounds Per Game: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player RPG
1. Jerome Lane 13.73
2. Ken Johnson 13.36
3. Clarence Kea 12.94
4. Arvydas Sabonis 12.26
5. Warren Kidd 10.98
6. Lance Berwald 10.54
7. Tanoka Beard 10.33
8. Claude Riley 10.03
9. Larry Micheaux 9.97
10. Granger Hall 9.88
11. Kenny Green 9.74
12. Jim Wright 9.66
13. Curtis Borchardt 9.60
14. Mike Phillips 9.35
15. Chris McNealy 8.92
16. Wallace Bryant 8.84
17. James Bryson 8.81
18. Rod Sellers 8.74
19. Greg Stewart 8.73
20. Ricky Brown 8.73
21. Albert Burditt 8.66
22. Daniel Bingenheimer 8.62
23. Bobby Martin 8.48
24. Mike Davis 8.45
25. Dyron Nix 8.30
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